New Certifications: PL-200 & PL-400 replacing MB-200 & MB-400

If you are here, then you want to know what are these 2 new certifications (PL-200 and PL-400) and what's the future of MB-200 and MB-400 and which one should be your next target. Well, after checking out these certifications and based on my knowledge of MB-200 (cleared 1 year back) and MB-400 (cleared 2 months back), I would like to give my opinion so that you can plan out…

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Power Platform AI Builder: Category Classification AI Model

Well, whether it's a small or giant industry, text data is increasing exponentially for these organizations. This data carries valuable information that when extracted and acted on helps us provide better products and services to our customers. Category classification is one of the fundamental natural language processing (NLP) challenges. With category classification, you can identify text entries with tags to be used for things like: Sentiment analysisSpam detectionCustomer request routingOther…

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