New Fundamental Certifications: MB-910 & MB-920 replacing MB-901

If you are here, then you want to know what are these 2 new exam and their respective certifications (MB-910 and MB-920) and what's the future of MB-901 and which one should be your next target. Well, after checking out these certifications and based on my knowledge of MB-901, I would like to give my opinion so that you can plan out your future exams and certification path accordingly. As…

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Power Apps Mobile App: Mobile Offline Capability for Model-Driven Apps

Mobile offline synchronization capability is one the common requirements these days. Although our network and internet connections have improved a lot in last few years, there are always few scenarios like internet disconnection or weak signals due to which our device might not be able to connect to server proper and hence customers would love to have some basic functionalities when they are temporarily offline like some minor updates, quick…

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Add Power BI embedded as System Dashboard in Model-Driven Apps

Both clients and developers were waiting for this feature ever since the Power BI embedded personal dashboards were introduced in the Dynamics 365 and Model-Driven apps. Till now, we were using various tricks to embed a power bi report and dashboard in as a system dashboard but finally, we have the out-of-the-box feature to do the same. Power BI embedded dashboard feature enables developers to add a reference to an…

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Dynamics 365: Enhanced email experience in model-driven apps

In Dynamics 365 2020 release wave 1, Microsoft had introduced modern email capabilities for customers by adding features like managing inline images, composing email in a pop-up, preview of email templates prior to applying and ability to copy and paste formatted content from Office documents. Now as part of release wave 2, Microsoft has enhanced it further by adding following features: Consistent email experience: Enhanced email experience, which was earlier…

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MB-600: Power Platform Solution Architect – Preparation Guide

So, I was able to clear one more certification last week.After completing MB-600 exam last week, I would like to share my experience on how I prepared for this exam, and how this exam is different from other Power Platform exams. I will talk about what to study and why a high-level knowledge of major Power Platform components is important. So, here is the basic information about the exam: Link…

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MB-400: Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Developer – Preparation Guide

So, I was able to clear one more certification last week.After completing MB-400 exam last week, I would like to share my experience on how I prepared for this exam, and whats the impact of revised course update on the certification. I will talk about what to study and why hands-on is important. Do you know, all these new Roles-Based Certificates has 2 years of validity as per the Microsoft…

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Sales accelerator (Preview): Create and manage sequences

Sequences are part of Sales accelerator and they help sales managers enforce best practices by introducing a set of consecutive activities for sellers to follow during the course of their day. A manager can connect sequences to leads and opportunities that appear in a seller's work queue, to help sellers prioritize activities to focus on selling, be more productive, and better align to business processes. Every organization has its selling…

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Sales accelerator (Preview): Enable and configure the Sales accelerator

Well, what is the objective of Sales teams in an organisation? They must focus on high-velocity selling. The sellers, who are part of these sales teams, should spend their valuable time identifying the best customer in their customer list, navigating across multiple sources, to identify who they need to engage with, when, and how. So, what is the Sales accelerator? To overcome this challenge, the new Sales accelerator module in…

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Share a model-driven app with Power Apps

Microsoft CRM/Dynamics 365/Model-Driven Apps have come a long way in the last few years. Now all Canvas apps and Model-Driven apps are consolidated and available to create, edit, play and share from one place, which is In the past, we need to customize the Sitemap of a Dynamics 365 to ensure people with selective roles should be able to see and access only relevant records. There was no way…

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MB-220: Dynamics 365 for Marketing – Preparation Guide

My idea of pursuing certification is to learn new things and keep myself up to date with the technology. I use certification as a checkpoint and it gives me the motivation to learn. After completing MB-220 exam last weekend, I thought to share my experience on how I prepared for this exam and whats the impact of revised course update on the certification. I will talk about what to study…

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