New Certifications: PL-200 & PL-400 replacing MB-200 & MB-400

If you are here, then you want to know what are these 2 new certifications (PL-200 and PL-400) and what's the future of MB-200 and MB-400 and which one should be your next target. Well, after checking out these certifications and based on my knowledge of MB-200 (cleared 1 year back) and MB-400 (cleared 2 months back), I would like to give my opinion so that you can plan out…

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MB-400: Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Developer – Preparation Guide

So, I was able to clear one more certification last week.After completing MB-400 exam last week, I would like to share my experience on how I prepared for this exam, and whats the impact of revised course update on the certification. I will talk about what to study and why hands-on is important. Do you know, all these new Roles-Based Certificates has 2 years of validity as per the Microsoft…

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