Power Platform AI Builder: Category Classification AI Model

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Well, whether it’s a small or giant industry, text data is increasing exponentially for these organizations. This data carries valuable information that when extracted and acted on helps us provide better products and services to our customers.

Category classification is one of the fundamental natural language processing (NLP) challenges. With category classification, you can identify text entries with tags to be used for things like:

  • Sentiment analysis
  • Spam detection
  • Customer request routing
  • Other business needs

AI Builder category classification is another fantastic addition to the Power Platform AI models which learns from our previously labeled text items and enables us to classify unstructured text data stored in CDS into our own business-specific categories.

Types of Category Classification models

  • Prebuilt Model: Prebuilt models are ready to use, don’t require training or publishing, and are appropriate for many uses where customization isn’t needed.
  • Custom Model: Custom category classification models must be built, trained, and published before you can use them. By using your training data and design parameters, you can create a category classification model that’s purpose-built for your unique requirements.

Use formulas in Power Apps for text AI models

You can integrate some AI Builder models in Power Apps Studio by using the formula bar. Here’s the syntax for Category Classification Models:

AIBuilder.CategorizeText(text, {modelId: Guid, language: Text})

where text (mandatory) – the input string,
modelID (Optional) – Guid of the custom model and
language (Optional) – the language used by the custom model

So we can utilize the Category Classification models in formulas as follows:

Prebuilt Model:
Concat(AIBuilder.CategorizeText(txt_inputdata.Text).categories, type & “, “)

Custom Model:
Concat(AIBuilder.CategorizeText(txt_inputdata.Text, {modelId: GUID(“406b89fb-c5a7-464f-aa4d-e13894e26f97″), language:”en”}).categories, type & “, “)

Category Classification in Power Apps

Use AI Model in Power Automate

Similar to Power Apps, we can utilize the Category Classification models in Power Automate as well. Same as above, we have two options to use this feature.

Prebuilt Model: To use prebuilt Category Classification model in a flow, search for the term AI Builder, and then select ”Classify text into categories with the standard model” in the list of actions.

AI Builder - Classify text into categories with the standard model

Custom Model: For any custom AI Builder model, we can use the “Predict” action or “Classify text into categories with one of your custom models” in Power Automate. Here we can select our custom model and pass the text and language to get the result.

AI Builder - Classify text into categories with one of your custom models
AI Builder - Predict for custom model

To use AI Builder models in Power Automate, you have to create the flow inside a solution.

Well, I hope everyone would like to try out this feature and learn how to utilize it to extract valuable information for our customers.
As it is in the Preview mode, we can expect some changes in future before release.
Till next time, Cheers 😉

Manish Rawat

Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 + Power Platform Solution Architect Expert, with little Knowledge of Scrum (PSM-I) & keen to learn about Power Platform 😎