Enable creating and editing data in forms displayed as a modal dialog

One of the general requests we all hear from our users is that they would prefer to use a Dialog window to work on related records instead keep navigating from one back and forth across forms.Wells the good news is here. In the upcoming 2020 release of power platform, we will be able to open a main form as a model dialog directly from another main form. This will greatly…

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Power Platform: Improved Column Filtering and Quick Find Search Experience on a Grid

Power Platform 2020 release wave 1 feature list is out and few of these features are available for early access.Microsoft's team has improved the grid column filtering & Quick Find search experience on a grid in this release. Well, let's check out these features in detail. Quick Find search experience on a grid In Dynamics 365 or any Model-Driven app, if we want to quickly search a record in an…

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Improved Performance Center in Dynamics 365 and Model-Driven Apps

If you have ever used Dynamics 365 solutions in the past, you might have stumbled upon this feature. I just found out about the change in UI and other feature while I was attending one of the Microsoft Airlift training and I accidentally click the shortcut key to open up this feature. What is the Performance Center? It is an inbuilt tool that can be used to quickly analyse the…

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