After completing AZ-900 exam last weekend, I thought to share my experience on how I prepared for this exam and whats the impact of revised course update on the certification. I will talk about what to study and why hands-on is important.
So, here is the basic information about the exam:
Link to schedule for the exam: AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals
No. of Questions: 41 (this is how many I got)
Duration of Exam: 60 mins (85 mins including everything like a survey)
Frankly, I felt it was quite packed. I mean I have given many Dynamics related exams in the past but they all had quite a lot of time. I think I felt like this because Dynamics 365 is familiar to me compared to Azure. 😜
Prerequisite: A trial environment of Azure
Well, I believe it is very hard to remember things in the IT industry unless you have some hands-on experience. So, if we want to be sure that we should be able to clear AZ-900, it’s necessary that we get ourselves familiar with Azure Portal, Azure Cloud Shell and different types of Azure Resource.
So, before we start studying for AZ-900, we need to get a free trial of Azure.
If you got a suscription from your company, use that as you can only have one trial account per person. So, your first option should be to use any azure subscription from your company.
Of course, don’t try something funny on company’s or your customer’s environment to improve your skills.
So let’s go through study materials I will recommend for AZ-900 in the following sequence:
1. Azure Fundamental Learning Path

Microsoft learning path provides the default online free study material for all certifications. It contains almost everything is in text format and some small labs. It’s the perfect place to start your study as the information is to the point with links to deep down further if you need to.
I would recommend to study module by module and try some hands-on before moving to the next module. That way you will be able to remember things better unlike studying all the modules back to back, which makes things even boring. 😁
2. Microsoft Azure – Beginner’s Guide + AZ-900 preparation

This video course on Udemy is up-to-date with the latest changes in the certification. The content here is more hands-on than Microsoft Learning path as you will see the instructor demonstrating various features inside the Azure Portal. This course also provides 2 practise tests which are similar to Whizlabs practice test.
If you prefer an interactive video course over text course, then you should go with this course. It contains all the material from Microsoft learning path so you can skip that if you are planning to go with this.
3. AZ-900 Exam Practice Test from Whizlabs

Now, most of the time, people choose to go with dumps instead of studying. For those, I have to say that it might not work because of the revised course and new set of questions in the exam.
But if you just want to know what kind of questions you might get, how tricky a question might be or want to learn about the pattern, then you can try Whizlabs practise tests for AZ-900. They are almost similar to questions you will get in the exam and if you are lucky, you might get a few of them or similar to them in your next exam.
I hope people who are planning to pursue this exam, my journey and advice will help them to clear this exam with a high score.
Best of luck to all and until next time… 😉