If you are here, then you want to know what are these 2 new exam and their respective certifications (MB-910 and MB-920) and what’s the future of MB-901 and which one should be your next target.
Well, after checking out these certifications and based on my knowledge of MB-901, I would like to give my opinion so that you can plan out your future exams and certification path accordingly.
As we can clearly see in the respective exam pages, the skills measured for MB-910 and MB-920 are more specific to their respective domain compared to MB-901 which was more focused on the platform with a hint of all Dynamics 365 apps. I believe this will make it easier to clear if you work on CRM or ERP specific domain/projects.
Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Customer Engagement Apps (CRM)
It covers the specific capabilities, apps, components, and life cycles of Dynamics 365 Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, and Project Operations, and also the features they share, such as common customer engagement features, reporting capabilities, and integration options. Exam MB-910: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals: Customer Engagement apps (CRM), which you must pass to earn this certification, measures skills in these areas. There are no prerequisites for this certification.
If you want to gain broad exposure to the customer engagement capabilities of Dynamics 365, and you’re familiar with business operations and IT savvy—with either general knowledge or work experience in information technology (IT) and customer relationship management (CRM)—this certification is for you.

Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operations Apps (ERP)
It covers the capabilities, strategies, and components of these finance and operations areas: Supply Chain Management, Finance, Commerce, Human Resources, Project Operations, and Business Central, along with their shared features, such as reporting capabilities and integration options. Exam-MB-920: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals: Finance and Operations apps (ERP), which you must pass to earn this certification, measures skills in these areas. There are no prerequisites for this certification.
If you’re looking for broad exposure to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) capabilities of Dynamics 365 and a better understanding of how finance and operations apps fit within the Microsoft ecosystem—and how to put them to work in an organization—this certification is for you.

Should we take MB-901 or not?
I would personally recommend to wait for a while and then go for MB-910 or MB-920, based on your domain or interest instead of MB-901 if you have not scheduled it so far.
As far as certifications are concerned, I prefer to plan for newer certifications as due to that you are bound to study and learn about the latest changes in the technologies.
- MB-910 might have more in common with MB-901 and it should be comparatively easy to clear if you have already cleared MB-901 or have been studying for it.
- MB-920 seems to be a little tricky as it covers a wider range of ERP skills and might need a different study plan.
I hope people who are planning to pursue these exams, my journey and advice will help them to plan it out effectively to meet their requirement and future certification paths.
Best of luck to all and until next time… 😉